Paul and Lori - 155 Alder Lane, Christiansburg, Virginia
*** If this form causes you issues, please send me an email or use the contact form to tell me how many seats *** Now that most of us have become vaccinated and we are getting out more, the mask mandate for vaccinated people has been dropped, is it time for us to get together again? maybe more tables and a little distancing? I think, WE SHOULD TRY! PLEASE reserve a spot, with us being vaccinated, I feel confident in a smaller group but still not ready for a huge group. As usual, if you are not vaccinated, our preference is to mask up. If you are not or have not been feeling well, please stay home and get better. We will start making this more regular this summer but we gotta be smart about it. Missing a session or 2 when sick is for the benefit of the whole group. I will create an event with 5 open slots, you must reserve the number of slots your party will bring. Please ensure to reserve and not just come, we want to make the events fun but allow those that want to socially distance have that opportunity. Thanks for helping to make this a fun in-person event! |
- Hamby (1)
- svanschu (2)